Welcome to Chrysalis Coaching!

I am Angela and I offer a flexible combination of Business Coaching, Life Coaching and Career Coaching.

Coaching is an investment in YOU. Whether it be Business Coaching, Life Coaching or Career Coaching, it is time devoted to building and defining how a happier and more fulfilled YOU.

We will work together to break the journey into achievable steps.

Coaching is time spent with someone whom you feel comfortable in sharing your pain points with and being open to working together on bite sized actions to move you closer to your overall goal or dream. As a client, you must be willing to be held accountable to taking those steps over an agreed timeframe.
If you’d like to find out more about my coaching services then please take some time to read on. If you feel curious enough to take the first transformational step then please click HERE to book a free 30-minute sample coaching consultation to see if you would feel happy working together.
383 766 284